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Mental Health And Depression

 Mental Health And Depression 

I am totally shaken by various news on people committing suicide, depression, stress, and mental health issues.
I am not sure how to start, I am totally in blank space at this moment. I hope some of my experience will surely help you to feel hopeful.

being depressed means being mentally unsatisfied, unhappy, losing peace of mind, it's a state where an individual feels everything too hard, It slowly takes over a person's life to the point where they forgot how it all began. Depression is initially a reaction, reaction to stress, and seeming inability to change your worst situations.

According to my own experience, if all sincere people make a little effort, the graph of suicide and depression could be decreased.
There might be a various factor which can lead an individual to depression, anxiety, panic attacks and other mental health issues, dimensions of the possibilities of depression are never a static reason.

 It can be severe or early-stage. panic attacks, anxiety, stress are some of the signs of early stage. Severe Stage symptoms are really bad
Sometimes a basic reason that can lead to severe unsatisfactory, anxiety, and early-stage depression, and one starts feeling mentally imbalanced, emotionally imbalanced, and other physical symptoms occurred too.

It can be treated well if we can recognize it at an early stage, the ignition of depression must detect as early as possible by oneself or others(family members, friends, physicians ).
Among various factors which might cause depression, the surrounding, behavior of family members, the prejudiced mentality of people, failure, lack of awareness, penetrating/hurting comments, comparisons, indexing success with static measures&parameters, heartbreak, insult, ignorance, poverty, tragedy, betrayal, privacy leak, hormonal changes, some side effect of medications and so on.

 Two parties who can minimize the chances of being depressed, 
  1. The individual 
  2. People Associated with individual


Today I would like to focus on how individuals can be responsible for their own mental health. 
oneself must be aware of his/her mental health, if an individual starts to feel something unusual which is odd then regular days, he/she must notify the change within himself/herself.

 Someday we wake up happy/joyful, someday we wake up sad/stressed -out. It's totally fine to have different moods according to a state of mind. It may vary according to the environment, situations, period hormones, and many factors that can cause different moods.
The mantra of being happy is Accepting ourselves very authentic and raw, feeling happy, and satisfied with what we have achieved until now, this doesn't mean we must stop dreaming and moving forward but moving forward with our own and comfortable pace might lead us to a peaceful journey of life with a balanced mind.

I have faced so many similar situations like all of you, people try to degrade, devalue you, they try to make you feel down worthless, undeserving, insulting in front of others, making you feel that you are unluckiest. Some do it intentionally but some unintentionally. During those days, I was so hurt and cried for hours too. But later on, I start to research on how not to let affect  yourself by others' opinion towards you. Because it's impossible to change everybody.
The best remedy is trusting yourself, trusting on your capability, trusting the process of moving towards success, not being result-oriented but core focus must be your goal. Hard work, Sacrifice, Commitment, and continuity will surely help you to achieve what you dreamt for.
There's no easy road on achieving success, failures are attached with it, miserable situations are also part of it, the journey could difficult, sometimes you have to leave everyone behind and continue on your own alone but hopeful, scared but courageous, broken but not from inside, despite all those hard time, one must hold his/her threshold level until you overcome your failure and achieve your goal. Its a reality that some audience are always present to notice your failure but secure them for applauding for success too, don’t react and move forward. The focus should not be distracted by others' behavior.

I learned the art of not getting hurt, it's so simple, don't be more dependent and attached with anything around, either be it human, non-living things, love, relationship, situation, and anything or any variables. you have to have the ability to let things come&go. Keeping Balance with everything is the key factor that can play a great role here. Expectations are also measures which can make you feel more hurt, maintaining a relationship without expectations is a great remedy too.

It's obvious that sometimes you may feel helpless, broken inside, fragile but keep faith in yourself, trust the process of life, its a universal truth that sun will always rise after a dark night, cry loudly, scream, share your problem with someone you really trust, but don't ever choose to stay silent. 

As your intention are good enough but another party may perceive in the wrong way and take it negatively but it's not your fault, so don't feel guilty until you intentionally target negative message to transmit.

Accept the fact that you can't change other's thoughts and feelings towards you, the better idea is to change yourself and fit a positive filter on your mind.
Limit the perceiving of negative comments, opinions, It is people’s job to comment either positive or negative.

The Master of your mind is only you, You have the steering of your life, so decide which path is easy and comfortable for your better future.

If you expect being loved, respectful behavior from others, the process must be vice versa. Spreading positivity and warmth can make a huge effect on other’s life. That's how we can help each other.

 I would suggest discovering a spiritual journey which is the best thing to practice, following the path of positivity, reading spiritual books, following principles of spirituality are deeds to change one’s thinking process. Pra practicing Yoga can help to maintain a hormonal balance between mind and body.
Thank You,
Regards, Anita Pandit 


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