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Walls between mobile apps and the websites

People spend more time on their mobile devices and in their apps, their internet has taken step backward, becoming more isolated, more disorganized and ultimately harder to use- more like the web before search engines.
In tech speak , the problem is known as "deep linking"  the technological hurdle of giving apps some sort of links and -those identifying lines of letters, dots and slashes that make up web address or URL.
Though deep linking is worry for large technology firms, it is big opportunity for start-ups looking to unseat them.  "whoever gets the best database will win this game."
Some people say it is like outfitting a house with plumbing after the house has been built.
Google was chartered to solve, Google which makes money helping people search the web. When people search in apps, it is mostly left out. And while the company has a fast growing business selling apps through devices that use its Android operating system, that places in comparison to its business selling search advertising.
Google's solution is App indexing technology, a way to catalog app pages, letting Google's search engine retrieve information from mobile applications as well as from web pages.
Twitter has twitter cards, which make it possible to go from the twitter app to another app in user's phone, rather than from the Twitter app to the web. If the user does not have the app or she wants installed on phone, Twitter will ask if the user wants to install it immediately.
 Facebook is trying to create an open standard of deep links to help apps connect to another, so, for instance, someone could go from listening to a band in the Spottily app to finding information about the band's live appearances in Song kick app.
With so many companies and investors working on deep linking , the competition has become a problem. That is because the easiest way to get apps link as if they were part of the web is to get app developers to adopt one standard that would work across devices an operating systems.


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