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Depression can seriously impact a person's life and depression has been implicated as a death of very many people. Depression causes a lot of deep sadness and  emptiness, the feeling of deep sadness and that's not the only symptom we get, it's a feeling of emptiness. People who have depression are exhibit at least 5 of 9 symptoms for last 2 weeks. If we got 5 of them then we are clinically depressed.  According to the gender, the risk of deprssion is 50% more then in  women. Now a days its dramitically increasing in newer generation. Many people considered depression as a normal part of their life and not diagnosed in medical procedure. They might not realize that they are actually suffering from depression.

9 major symptoms of depression:

  • Deep sadness/Emptiness                                                                                                          Man tend to feel the emptiness and women are more about sadness.Women will tend to have crying or something they prefer not to happen and they start to cry and man just feel empty.
  • Apathy                                                                                                                                        Wake up in the morning and not interested in days activity. You get up of the set of responsibilities but not really interested in days activity. It is the normal symptom they have had but it effects with majority of time
  • Persistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems that do not ease even with treatment       
  • Lack of concentration                                                                                               This is where you really don't have the ability to sort the things and making it more complex and you recognize that you are just not able to do the mental task.
  • Insomnia or sleep disturbances                                                                              Most common sleep disturbances are early morning waking up, this is the way they go to bed and they can sleep ok but wake up too early and can't get back to sleep.
  • Overeating or appetite loss                                                                                       The most common is weight gaining and people tend to medicate themselves by chocolate or food and as a result they begin to self medicating also anorexia and weightless can go other way.
  • Fatigue                                                                                                                    Fatigue means you are tired but you don't know why are tired and out of energy that is very common symptom. 
  • Thoughts of suicide,suicide attempts  
  •  Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and/or helplessness 


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