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Mental Health And Depression

  Mental Health And Depression  I am totally shaken by various news on people committing suicide, depression, stress, and mental health issues. I am not sure how to start, I am totally in blank space at this moment. I hope some of my experience will surely help you to feel hopeful. being depressed means being mentally unsatisfied, unhappy, losing peace of mind, it's a state where an individual feels everything too hard, It slowly takes over a person's life to the point where they forgot how it all began. Depression is initially a reaction, reaction to stress, and seeming inability to change your worst situations. According to my own experience, if all sincere people make a little effort, the graph of suicide and depression could be decreased. There might be a various factor which can lead an individual to depression, anxiety, panic attacks and other mental health issues, dimensions of the possibilities of depression are never a static reason.  It can be se

आध्यात्मिक जागरण(spiritual awakening)

आत्मा शरीर र दिमाग  भगवान श्री कृष्ण भन्नु हुन्छ हाम्रो मानब शरीर भौतिक हो , जुन केवल एउटा निश्चित समयको लागी मात्र हुन्छ , सधै अमर रहने त केवल आत्मा नै हो। एस धर्तिमा जीवित प्राणीको रुपमा रहन मात्र हाम्रो आत्माको मिलन शरीरसंग हुन्छ। आत्मा  जसरि बिज्ञानमा शक्ति (" law of conservation of energy    ") लाई न बनाउन सकिन्छ न नस्ट गर्न नै सकिन्छ , "ENERGY" लाई केवल एउटा रुपबाट अर्को रुपमा रुपान्तरण गर्न सकिन्छ भन्ने  "THEORY " , ठ्याक्क तेसै    गरि आत्मा पनि अमर हुन्छ, यो कैले जन्मिदा पनि जन्मिदैन मात्र यसले बिभिन्न शरीरको मार्फत आफुलाई निरन्तरता दिने गर्छ। हिन्दु फिलोसोपीमा आधारित भएर कुरा गर्नु पर्दा हामीले धेरै ओटा जन्म लिने गर्छौ,हाम्रो धर्म  अनुसार हामी पुर्बजन्म र पुनर्जन्ममा विश्वास गर्छौ, तर हरेक जन्ममा  आत्मा  सधै एउटै हुने गर्छ,  आत्मा   प्रतेक जन्ममा छुट्टैछुट्टै शरीरमा बास गर्ने गर्छ। कर्म  श्री कृष्ण भगवानको मूल मन्त्र "कर्म गर तर फलको आस नगर ", कर्म अर्थात् काम जुन मानबजति लगएत येस ब्रह्माण्डमा रहेका हरेक प्राणीको हितमा होस

मेरो नजरमा भएको नेपाल र नेपालको भविष्य

नेपाल आमा लगाएत नेपाल आमाको बिर सन्ततिहरुमा मेरो नमन।  आज मलाई देशको बारे केहि भनौ भन्ने भावाना आयो तेसैले यो सानो लेख लेख्न कोसिस गरेकी छु। नेपाल आमा आफ्नो राष्ट्र सुखी र स्वाभिमानी भएको हेर्न पाएमा गर्व महसुस हुन्छ होला नेपाल राष्ट्र प्राकृतिक हिसाबले एउटा भगवानको बरदान हो , तर दुखको कुरा  हामी नेपाली हरु ले नेपाल मै भएको हिरा लाई छिन्न सकेनौ, झट्ट हेर्दा झिलिमिली देखिने मानब निर्मित गगनचुम्बी भवन र सहर ले हामीलाई आकर्षित गर्यो. नेपाल स्वर्ग भन्दा  कम  छैन, तर त्यो कुराको महसुस हामी लाई जिन्दगीमा धेरै पछि मात्र हुन्छ, जिबनमा एउटा समय आउने छ तेती बेला मान्छे लाई पैसा,पहिचान र संसारिक कुरा हरु को मोह ले छोड्न थाल्छ , आखिर उसलाई प्रकृतिकै काखमा ,आफ्नै माटोको मुल्य ठुलो महसुस हुन्छ, संसारले दिएको पहिचान भन्दा नि मा को हु र कहाँ कता बाट आएको भन्ने प्रस्नले नै उसको मनमा उत्तर खोज्न थाल्छ। एसको अर्थ यो होइनकी हामी बिदेशी भुमिमा कर्म गर्नु पाप हो, तर आफ्नो तर्फ़बाट जहाँ बसेर पनि देशलाई माया गर्न सकिन्छ, जति पनि नेपाली दाजुभाई तथा दिदिबहिनि हरु बिदेशी भुमिमा हुनु हुन्छ ,उहाहरुले झन्


You could easily write a book,or better yet, make a movie about the drama that engulfed Sony pictures and  "The Interview" Sony's own movie about the fictionalized assassination of North Korea's real life dictator. The whole saga reflects so many of the changes that are roiling and reshaping today's world before we've learned to adjust  with them. The world is not just rapidly changing, it is being dramatically reshaped. Rising cyber crime is roiling today's world. How does anyone adapt? The hack of Sony Pictures Entertainment has resulted in the exposure of about 47,000 social security numbers, including those of Hollywood celebrities.

Prevailing Food Norms, poor awareness and enforcement

Food is basic need without which life cannot go on. There is one well known statement; man is all what he eats. Exactly, we all are what we eat on our regular diet and how well we digest those foods and how we nourish ourselves. Therefore, there is no argument that among all the basic needs food is the utmost one. Food means all those items from raw, processed and semi-processed.we consume our major provider. All in all, food should be safe from farm to fork. However, in the context of Nepal, we are only buying foods that are easily available in the market. We are not aware about the different facts of the food like quality, processing, trace ability, packaging, allergen factor and many more. Now, let us take a few example about the food we are buying from the market. Raw Vegetables: Raw vegetables after plucking from the farm are washed ina nearby river or pond where water is heavily polluted with microbes, lead, iron and many other non-edible factors. So, we are not only buyi

Walls between mobile apps and the websites

People spend more time on their mobile devices and in their apps, their internet has taken step backward, becoming more isolated, more disorganized and ultimately harder to use- more like the web before search engines. In tech speak , the problem is known as "deep linking"  the technological hurdle of giving apps some sort of links and -those identifying lines of letters, dots and slashes that make up web address or URL. Though deep linking is worry for large technology firms, it is big opportunity for start-ups looking to unseat them.  "whoever gets the best database will win this game." Some people say it is like outfitting a house with plumbing after the house has been built. Google was chartered to solve, Google which makes money helping people search the web. When people search in apps, it is mostly left out. And while the company has a fast growing business selling apps through devices that use its Android operating system, that places in comparison